nALLIRGIE: Narzędzie ostrzegające przed alergią podczas przeglądania sieci
nALLIRGIE is a Chrome extension designed to alert users about potential allergens on websites. Users input their specific food allergies or ingredients, and the tool scans each webpage for any matches. If a site contains a product that the user is allergic to, nALLIRGIE promptly notifies them, allowing them to make an informed decision about continuing to browse the site. This innovative tool provides a proactive approach to managing allergies while surfing the web, ensuring users can navigate online content safely and confidently.
With nALLIRGIE, users have the peace of mind knowing that they are protected from potential allergens while exploring the web. By empowering individuals to take control of their browsing experience, this Chrome extension offers a valuable layer of safety and convenience for those with food sensitivities or allergies.
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